by Admin | Jun 30, 2015 | Awards, News
Ron Rosenberg, a first year master’s student in the Mechanosynthesis group was recently awarded a MISTI Excellence Award for demonstrating global citizenship during his undergraduate and graduate studies. Throughout his undergraduate studies, Ron took part in...
by Admin | May 22, 2015 | News
Mechanosynthesis research into a scalable and cost-effective method for continuous manufacturing of graphene films was highlighted in both MIT News and gizmag! The team led by John Hart also included Erik Polsen and Daniel McNerny of the University of Michigan and...
by Admin | Dec 19, 2014 | News
John Lewandowski, a PhD student in the Mechanosynthesis Group, was featured in the “Student Spotlight” as part of the Engineering for Global Change Department Newsletter for his graduate work on “Low-Cost Diagnostic Devices for the Developing...
by Admin | Dec 4, 2014 | Awards, News
Congratulations to Sanha Kim, who received the highly selective honor of MRS Best Poster Awards last night! The meeting chairs judge the posters and place ribbons on approximately 3 out of more than 100 posters every night, spanning all the symposium topics. The...
by Admin | Nov 6, 2014 | News
Ryan Oliver successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Direct Write Manufacturing and Interactive Manipulation of Microparticles” at the University of Michigan. This is the 7th PhD student from the Mechanosynthesis Group. Congratulations Dr....
by Admin | Nov 3, 2014 | News
Nathan Spielberg, working in the Mechanosynthesis laboratory to manufacture “lab on a chip” microfluidic devices, is highlighted on the MIT homepage!