Thomas Hofstaetter
Welcome, New Members!
In a bright start to 2017, the Mechanosynthesis Group welcomed several new members. Seungju Seo, a graduate student from the University of Tokyo, joined us for a few weeks in February to advance an ongoing research collaboration with the University of Tokyo. Ben...
Prof. Hart Delivers 2-Day Course on AM at NSRDEC
On February 28th and March 2nd, Prof. Hart was invited to the U.S. Army’s Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC) to deliver a 2-day course on additive manufacturing. The course was an adaptation of his longer, 5-day professional...
2.008 Final Exposition
Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students enrolled in MIT’s course 2.008, Design and Manufacturing II, had the opportunity to showcase their work at an exposition held in MIT’s iconic Lobby 7 earlier this month. The teams of students were tasked with...
Jacob Rothman
Graduate Student