Prof. Hart Delivers 2-Day Course on AM at NSRDEC
On February 28th and March 2nd, Prof. Hart was invited to the U.S. Army’s Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC) to deliver a 2-day course on additive manufacturing. The course was an adaptation of his longer, 5-day professional...Christoph Meier’s PhD Thesis honored by GAMM Juniors Award
Dr. Christoph Meier, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Mechanosynthesis Group, was honored by the “GAMM Juniors Award” for his thesis, “Geometrically Exact Finite Element Formulations for Slender Beams and Their Contact Interaction.” His thesis was submitted at...
Additive manufacturing of cellulosic materials with high strength and antimicrobial functionality
S.W. Pattinson, A.J. Hart. Advanced Materials Technologies. Additive manufacturing of pure cellulosic objects is demonstrated via extrusion of cellulose acetate and conversion to cellulose, rendering parts with isotropic strength and high toughness. Ease of functionalization is shown by addition of antimicrobial dye to the printing ink, which kills 95% of bacteria upon exposure to light.